Fuss-Free Airbnb Hosting Tips from Experts

Fuss-Free Airbnb Hosting Tips from Experts

We live such hectic lives nowadays that it can be difficult to keep track of the things on our to-do list that must be completed on a regular basis. If you are an Airbnb host, then you will be well aware that the success of your holiday home depends on your hosting routine. The key is to be responsive, punctual, and thorough. It means that you must remember the smallest detail and get it done. For instance, keeping the garbage bins clean and having sufficient clean linen are just a few things. If you look to connect with an Airbnb service company, then you can most easily connect with them online.

All of this sounds like a lot of work and can get overwhelming at times. If you feel that you are not that organized, then this guide is for you. We have put together a few helpful tips that can help you simplify your hosting routine.

Track Your Tasks

Between guests, there are plenty of things that must be done, right from cleaning the toilets to keeping clean linen. Many hosts still follow the old-school way of jotting down the things that must be completed with a pen and paper. Once they complete each task, they strike it off their list. While others create spreadsheets to keep track of the things that must be done. If you prefer to utilize technology and make things simple, we have a few recommendations that can help you simplify things. Below are a few of our favorite apps:

  • Calendar -it will help you to avoid double-booking.
  • Wunderlust -you can set up a list of numerous tasks.
  • Turnoverbnb – you can locate cleaners and also manage the schedules, allowing you to inform them online when you would require these services.
  • Trello – this is an organizational tool that allows you to share tasks and responsibilities with a co-host.

Keep Everything Clean

Between guests, you must make sure that the place is kept clean. Guests can be very unforgiving if they find the place dirty. You can also seek help from a professional cleaning service company, which will make things easier. Here are a few things that you must include in your cleaning checklist: windows, bathroom, kitchen, dustbin, and don’t forget to ventilate the room.

Making The Check-In Process Simple

Write down instructions mentioning the address and the easiest route to get to the place. Make sure these instructions are sent to your guest in advance. You may also send pictures of the landmark, making it easy for your guests to find the place. A smart lock is also an excellent investment that will give your guests access to their room as they arrive. However, it is not ideal for every Airbnb property because certain properties require a tour to show the guest the property.

Stock Up!

Always have a sufficient stock of bed sheets and towels because if ever the dryer breaks down or a guest spills wine on the bedsheet, then you will always have a spare to offer. We recommend keeping a minimum of two spares for everything. In this way, you would be prepared for any situation. The same applies to the kitchen as well. If you’re expecting guests, have supplies for at least six.

Follow these few Airbnb host management tips and you’re good to go. Alternatively get in touch today and find out how we can help take away the stress of Airbnb Management.

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