Estimate revenuefor Airbnb & Holiday Home

The Frank Porter Calculator estimates your...

Vacation Rental Calculator

Count how much you
can earn daily on average


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As the owner, you will earn money from guests staying at your property. The income varies due to seasonality, price, and occupancy. Guests will always pay above the long-term rent price, due to the property being 100% equipped for guests – with full interiors, working utilities and ease of moving in/out. The best part about short-term rental is that you can sell whenever you want, as you are not locked into a long-term let. You earn money while your asset appreciates – perfect!

How to maximise returns

You can maximize your returns in several ways:

1. Research the Area

1. Research the Area

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2. Ensure property is well-designed

check interior design
3. Ensure the listing 
is well-written

3. Ensure the listing is well-written

check listings page
4. Ensure property is clean and well-maintained

4. Ensure property is clean and well-maintained

check cleaning & maintenance
5. Ensure property 
is well-priced

5.Ensure property is well-priced

Income Estimate FAQs

How much commission does Frank Porter take?

Our Dubai commission is 17%. Check our pricing page for more details on this.

Are holiday homes profitable?

Yes! Guests will always pay a big premium for properties which are well furnished and ready to move into. Even considering the costs associated with property management, holiday homes are very profitable for the owners.

How does Frank Porter know what price to charge?

We use a combination of pricing algorithms and manual adjustments to ensure our pricing is fair, competitive and the owners make the most money. The price goes up and down based on demand and supply. We manage this process fully.

Do holiday homes appreciate in value?

Yes definitely – the property appreciates as normal as per the market. Best part is that you make money throughout. We also find that many buyers target holiday homes and pay more (buying properties which are already operating as holiday homes), so that they continue earning money as soon as the sale comes through.

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