
We ensure your property is listed for optimum revenue.
We make money when you make money.
It’s as simple as that.




Full management fee


Extra services

Price on Request

Pricing FAQs

Does the commission go up and down with seasonality?

No, the commission stays the same throughout the year. This is the most transparent method, as we make money in proportion to your revenue – no more and no less.

How do I know that I am getting paid the correct amount from the booking?

Via our Frank Porter Portal app. Your property calendar and earnings are live on the portal, so you always see exactly how much you will earn from each booking. The monthly statement will also summarize this. If you ever need more details/break-down on a particular booking, the Client Support team can assist.

Do I need to get insurance?

Yes. Property insurance is a requirement from DET to have your property live as a Holiday Home. You can do this yourself with any insurer of your choice, or we can do this for you. The cost is between AED 500-1800 per year depending on the size and valuables.

What happens if there are no bookings?

If there are no bookings, we don’t make any money. Hence, our incentives with our clients are totally aligned – we want to get you the most bookings at the highest rates, as that is how we get our fee.

What are the government fees (DET fees)?

There is a yearly DET license fee for each property, paid by the owner. The price is between AED 370 - 1270. Please see more details about the yearly DET license fee here

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